Is an attractive candidate more likely to get a job?

Is an attractive candidate more likely to get a job?

One applicant considered the question: “To what extent is an attractive candidate invited faster than a less attractive candidate, despite having the same work experience, training, and the same motivation?”

The study

The postulant sent nearly 300 applications, spread over two different positions in different sectors. This included the CVs of two fictitious male candidates (an attractive and less attractive male) and two fictitious female candidates (an attractive female and another less attractive). Apart from the application letter and the CV which were almost identical, the only thing that differed significantly was the photo. Subsequently, all applications were analyzed using email tracking software.

The conclusion? Attractive applicants are significantly more likely to receive an invitation than less attractive applicants. In the study, good-looking candidates were invited to a job interview much more often.

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An attractive man will be invited 5 times more often

In 43% of cases, attractive candidates received a positive response from the recruiter. Of these positive reactions, 17% were even immediate invitations for job interviews. This means that her score is 5 times that of her less attractive opponent.

A pretty woman will be invited to the interviews almost 8 times more often

For less attractive-looking female applicants, only 2% could count on an invitation, almost eight times less than attractive applicants for the same position.

The applicant with a less attractive appearance could only count on an invitation in 2% of cases, almost eight times less than the attractive applicant.

Male recruiters, in particular, have a clear preference for good-looking candidates. In 65% of cases, it received a positive response, and in only 5% of cases a negative response. Among the recruiters, this difference was significantly smaller.

The reactions are also different

There are also obvious differences between the reactions of applicants with a good appearance and those of applicants with a less beautiful appearance, after receiving a response to the same vacant post.

An example is the application of applicants from males, where both candidates have been informed by the relevant recruiter (female) that “the vacant post has already been filled”. However, the attractive candidate was given additional information “that otherwise he would certainly have been called for an interview.

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An Attractive Person receives many more reactions positive results from recruiters, which applies to both men and women looking for a new job. As a less attractive candidate, it is best, if possible, to approach a female recruiter. In this case, you greatly increase your chances of receiving an invitation rather than with a male recruiter.

The reaction of the applicant

When we started the study, we had a hunch that there would be differences, but to notice such large differences, is really nonsense. He continues: “It goes without saying that each candidate must be judged on his qualities, and not on his origin or his photo. It is precisely this aspect that makes the results of the study distressing and confronting.”

Content tables:

  • Male candidate
  • Female candidate
  • Attractive candidate
  • Less attractive candidate
  • Attractive candidate
  • Less attractive candidate
  • Open CV
  • Received a reaction
  • Invitation for a telephone interview
  • Invitation sent for a job interview

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